Tag Panel

Introduction to the Tag Panel

The Tag Panel

The Tag Panel is opened whenever you select a tag hotspot or link in the project interface. It can be hidden again by clicking on the Tag Panel button in the toolbar. The panel displays more information about the item selected and can be used to find its position, location and other connected data.  This information is grouped into 3 tabs:


The details tab displays information about the tag in the R2S model.

  1. The tag dataset the tag/task belongs to
  2. Tag/task icon, badge and name
  3. The description of the tag/task
  4. Information tabs
  5. The coordinates of the tag where available
  6. Location on a plan, click to open the plan of this location
  7. Location in a 360 image. This has been updated to show you the most recent survey first (7.1) then older surveys next (7.2), (7.3). These are now listed by newest closest first.
  8. The point cloud - click to open the point cloud and view the tag.
  9. Locations the tag/task has been added by labelling

The data tab displays all the information that has been specified for the tag.  This is also where you will find information that has been synced from other data sources.


This tab displays any links that have been made to other tags in R2S or connected data sources such as documents.  From here you can navigate to other tags or open related documents.

  1. Connected Tag, click on the link to open tag
  2. Select which document type to search for in the connected source
  3. Results for the documents that this tag can be found in, click on the link to open the document in its native application.